Exceptional Primary Care and Personalized Wellness Services

Concierge Medicine for Bonner County & Boundary County

Our Approach to Concierge Medicine

Concierge medicine is a different approach to primary care that allows physicians to maintain smaller patient loads which in turns improves the service that they can deliver. In today’s traditional healthcare system, primary care physicians usually maintain patient panels of 2,000 patients or more.

Because of this, patients often must make multiple phone calls to get in touch with their provider, endure long wait times, have difficulty obtaining appointments when they need them, and find that care with other specialties is poorly coordinated.

They may find that the concerns most important to them are not addressed in an all-too-brief office visit or that the solution offered for a problem seems to always be yet another pill. Physicians are just as dissatisfied with this system as their patients, and they are burning out in record numbers.

As a concierge medical practice, Lakeshore Health is different. Dr. Meg limits her practice to 400 patients. This allows her to spend more time on each patient’s care, offer appointments available within 24 business hours, provide patients with her direct cell phone number after hours, and have longer visit times. Telehealth/video visits are available when appropriate for patients who prefer the convenience of virtual visits. House calls are available for homebound patients who are unable to leave the home to receive care.

Patients purchase a yearly subscription to the practice. This covers the wellness services which are not covered through health insurance. Routine office visits are billed through your insurance, and there is no additional charge for office visits other than your typical insurance rates.

Why Choose a Concierge Membership

Expanded access to care

Lakeshore Health offers same day visits, minimal wait times, an electronic patient portal, longer appointment times, telehealth, house calls, coordination of care with other providers, and direct access to your physician.

Patient Centered Healthcare Services

Lakeshore Health offers an unparalleled level of care for our patients. Our proactive, accessible approach to health and wellness puts patients first by listening to the needs and goals of our patients.

Comprehensive Executive Physical Examinations

Lakeshore Health offers executive examinations with extensive testing above the typical standard of care including one-on-one time with a clinical assistant and a personalized care plan written by Dr. Meg.

Personalized Wellness Services

Each patient has different needs and deserves a treatment plan that is right for them.

Exceptional Care. Personalized.

If you are looking for personalized, high-quality healthcare services, we invite you to explore our concierge services and learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal health and well-being.